Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Use union to convert long to bytes

// reference:

//..\Union Example\union_example.ino

// doesn't work on Leonardo but could work on Nano 


typedef union u_conv


    long    lValue;

    byte    lByte[4];






void setup() 



    strt.lValue = 2147483643;

    Serial.println("Original values:");

    Serial.println(strt.lValue, DEC);

    Serial.println(strt.lValue, BIN);

    //send start.lByte[0..3] to storage medium


    //here, the retrieval is simulated by copying the byte values from the "strt" union

    //to the corresponding byet values in the "finish" union


    //in use, you'd retrieve the bytes from storage and put them in a destination union

    for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )

        finish.lByte[i] = strt.lByte[i];

    Serial.println("Processed values:");

    Serial.println(finish.lValue, DEC);

    Serial.println(finish.lValue, BIN);


void loop() 



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